Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Slower than expected..

Ok, so it's ONLY tuesday. It's not even NOON yet.

Ya, this is setting up to be one of the slowest weeks EVER!

I also have to work on Saturday, so this will also be one of the LONGEST weeks ever.

I can't be bitter though. That means that I am needed at my workplace and that I still have some value in the facility so that means that I will stay longer. I just want to stay. I like the work here, even though I complain about how busy we are, I still like the type of work I do.

Being busy and tired is way better than be bored all day.

Even though when I would be bored all day at my old job, I got to stay on the computer and chat and blog all day. That was cool. But I felt kind of guilty using up my eight hours to sit and surf the internet all day (on my own computer that I would bring from home) and get paid for it.

It's all in the experience.

Oh well. Back to work!

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

Its good to be happy in your job. Then the job becomes a vocation instead of a chore.