Monday, June 29, 2009

Slightly discouraged..

So tuition increased.. I got that email about a month ago.. so I don't know why I was so shocked to see the increase when I got a notification email this morning..


Taking two classes in a row means I'll have to pay again next month.. I think.. something like that..

Plus bills..

Looks like I'm going to be "el negativo" with this month and next months expenses..

With all the pending salary cuts.. and furlough days.. I don't think I'd survive financially..

It's definitely time for a change.. thank God!

Two more months.. and I'm out of here.. hello.. Fullerton!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Counting down..

I'm sitting here at work.. 75 days left until I leave this facility and go back to the lab I worked at in fullerton.

That was the lab I worked at when I first start blogging on this blog.. full circle.. I'm going back.

I won't be the same lab-rat with the same lab-rat responsibilities though.. because I have grown.. personally.. and career-wise.. I'll have a different job with a different set of responsibilities..

I'm excited.. I'm growing up.. and growing out.. and I cant' wait for all the opportunities this holds for me..

I kinda hope I get to travel a little bit.. but I know that won't come for awhile..

I'll miss this lab.. the work.. the close-to-home-ness.. the short communte..

It's for the best.. God knows what is going to happen.. and I'm just following the path He's put me on..

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Has it really been almost a month since my last post on this blog.. wow!

Poor Blogger.. I've set up camp at Wordpress and have been doing fairly well with that blog that I have neglected the blog that pretty much started my "blog craze."

This was always my first "mature blog" and now.. it's been left behind.. I will try not to let this happen.. I like this blog too much.. I have a fond sentimental attachement to this site and I don't want to see it neglected.

I added a swagbucks widget.. so that should mean that I should be here more often than not from now on.. check the widget out.. it's a search engine that will randomly give away "swag bucks" that are good for redeeming things.. like music.. cameras.. books.. etc..

I'm aiming for some sorta digital camcorder.. I've got a ways to go.. but any little search helps. It helps that I am doing research for class.. so I have good reason to be on the site..

Back to work!