Thursday, July 03, 2008


This week has definitely been a weird one..

I've been on a doctor's work order to not come in until next week.  The hives have gotten to be too much and I've been on allergy pills that make me sooo groggy and sleepy.  But I've been learning to fight the sleepiness because I will never get anything done otherwise.

But I think I've been fighting it off so much that today I'm reaching a breaking point.. and I'm officially delirious.. 

It's hard to focus.. but I really need to fight this... my head is so heavy.. but I'm actually giddier than I have been these past few days.. 

Delirious.. but happy.. deliriously happy.. i don't know why.. maybe it's the drugs.. maybe it's just all the things I've been going through have just given me perspective.. I don't know.. I just am..

But I need to sleep.. hahaha.. I need to shut my eyes and get rid of my "zombie" mode..

Too bad I have homework.. 

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

My son used to get hives from heat. That meant every time he got a fever he would break out.
I am praying for you.