Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Is it all in the name of love?

Is there a point to be madly in love with someone, but be completely miserable with that person too?

Is it healthy?

I mean, if there is one thing.. just one thing.. that is stopping you from having a perfectly happy relationship and that one thing is so important that you can't just get over it or let it go.. and you're willing to endure the unhappiness so that you don't have to make him choose between the other thing and you.. is it worth it?

Is it?


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure i know what that one thing is, and if you honestly feel that strongly about it, don't let it go for anyone. Your friends like myself will always love you and you can always come to us. You will find your prince! I love you

Daughteroftheearth said...

Stalemate. That's tough. Maybe it's possible to make it work? Even if it seems like a crazy idea?

Dr.John said...

I married a number of people whose marriages didn't last because being madly in love wasn't enough.People who give up what is important to them to marry often end up resenting the partner.

Anonymous said...

My dear Rachel, relationship is give and take. Its those things you have to balance out. I mean if that "ONE" thing is so important to you and it kills you softly, then you have to move on. (if you linger on it too much, you hurt yourself over it) Its all on you. (its always been your choice.. our gift from God) You are one of my dear friends you know you can call and vent about it. (I can give pretty good advice) I Loves ya!

Anonymous said...

that can't possibly be good.