Wednesday, October 10, 2007


My prayer life sucks.

No, really it does. I truly feel like I don't pray as often as I should.

Granted, I feel like I'm in "constant communication" with God at all times. For the most part, I do have little conversations with God throughout the day. I usually find myself saying a quick prayer, or making a quick comment to God about things that are going on that very second.

But I can't tell you that I actually sit down, make quiet time, and meditate in prayer.

Hence.. my prayer life sucks.

How can I teach children the importance of prayer if I have a hard time practicing it myself.

Must.. be.. disciplined!

I told the kids today that there are always prayers you have in your mind. No matter how big or how small, you will always have a prayer.

You could either be asking for something or thanking God for something. Most of the time, kids only know about asking for something, but I wanted to let them know that prayer is also thanking God for something that they received or that they are thankful for.

I do that. For the most part, my prayers lately haven't even been about ME. They've been about my students, my friends, my family.. rarely for me anymore..

I need to start trying to take some time out of my day to thank God for all the things I have been blessed with. It's the least I could do for a life time of blessings He's been granting me..

Any suggstions on how I can go about making more time??


bettygram said...

I find myself in the same place.

Dr.John said...

I think your doing great. If your praying for others and thanking God your ahead of the curve for church members.