Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Life throws you many, many different kinds pitches..

If you wanna relate your life to baseball.. I guess.. it just means you gotta be prepared to hit what ever life throws at you.. sometimes.. you miss.. sometimes you do hit it.. and it just goes in all sorts of odd directions.. and sometimes you hit it.. and someone catches and ruins everything.. or sometimes you hit it.. and it rolls around before someone grabs a hold of it and ruins everything.. sometimes.. you hit it.. and it gets tossed around.. but you still succeed..

And then.. there are those chance moments when you hit the ball outta the park.. HOME RUN!

I'm still waiting for my home run.. but I've always sucked at baseball..


Dr.John said...

I'm still waiting for my home run too.

Anonymous said...

in cubicle land there are few home runs...i'm even still waiting for a pitch.