Friday, December 12, 2008

No idea!

December is just zooming by and I haven't gotten anything Christmas-related done. It's my last week of school for the year and so I am busy trying to wrap that up so that I can concentrate fully on all that I need to do for the Christmas stuff.

I have a boyfriend this year so I have to figure out what I am going to get him. I really have no idea. We are considering just going out somewhere nice and having just a little Christmas outing. But as nice as all that is.. I would really want to give him something that he could unwrap and stuff..

I just have no idea what that something could be.

Busy.. busy.. that I may have to just skip out on all the choir extra-curricular activities because I do have to juggle my time for the boyfriend. It's not like my past boyfriends where we lived close enough to see each other any time we wanted. This is different. We actually have to make time and make it a weekend event in order to see each other.

I have to be able to free of some time for that.

It's just Gods way of making sure I have time for someone and to make sure I know how to work through a relationship instead of just living it by and just being so blah about it all..

It's worth it..

Now.. any ideas for Christmas gifts for him??!?

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

Too far behind on my Christmasshopping to help with yours. Good luck.