Thursday, December 04, 2008

Same old excuse.




You have NO idea how much work I have had to do these past few weeks. Things have just begun to slow down to the point that I have been able to take my breaks. But just when I thought that I will begin to have control over things.. I just get word that my workload is going to get so much more busy again.

I'm not really complaining. I like what I am doing.. it's just those several samples that don't seen to work as well as the other ones do. Not every sample runs smoothly and quickly. That's frustrating but it's nature.. it's the natural flow of things.. not all flow smoothly..

I guess the business works out for me because it gets my mind off of all the tragedy I've had to deal with in the past few weeks.

Earlier this week, we found out that one of the doctors in our laboratory system.. not our own branch lab.. was found dead..

Last week.. my friend died..

The week before that.. a family friend of my boyfriend had died..

Death comes in three's.. doesn't seem to fail..

God bless their souls..

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