Tuesday, August 07, 2007

God has no time for you!

I was once told that I should stop praying for the things that are happening in my own life because God has other things to worry about in this world. He doesn't have time to deal with my petty life issues.


I guess if you think of God in a "human" sense, then maybe..

Human's can only really deal with a few things at a time. Human's usually prioritize things according to most important. Mundane issues get pushed aside. Personal things get ignored when more worldwide things are a source of problem and issue.

But God is not human. God is Divine. No one can limit divinity. No one can set boundaries on divinity. God is able to deal with the worldwide and the mundane all at the same priority level.

God can deal with the war in Iraq and my personal life with the same amount of care and attention.

Divinity does not categorize prayers according to some sort of priority ranking.

He will grant prayers at His own time.

If God did things according to what we humans think is most important, don't you thnk that the war would be over? Don't you think that there would be peace on earth? Don't you think that world poverty would be abolished?

If God did things according to what we thought he should be concentrating on first the world would be such a different place.

The Lord does things in His own time. Regardless of what WE think is more important. What WE think is more important is not necessarily what HE things is most important. God is God for a reason.

It is our faith that keeps us believing that He always has time for us. No matter how mundane the prayer, no matter how insignificant we truly feel, no matter how unworthy we feel.

God always has time for us.


Dr.John said...

You have a very good the4ological sense. God does indeed hear all our prayers.

freaker126 said...

I agree with you there. Some people don't understand the concept of GOD. They keep thinking in human terms. If GOD is seen in human terms the world would totally be in chaos right now. The sun will rise from west to east and the planet will hit each other and not run on their respective alignment. Everything, in life has their place. Same as we human. We are here for a reason. Given time, when the time come will we be ready for what's coming?

Good day!