Thursday, May 01, 2008

It's what everyone says..

So.. school is supposed to be a good thing. Why is it driving me insane? I feel so pressured by deadlines and papers and questions. I feel like I will never catch up. I thought I was cool because I totally was ahead of schedule last week.. but nooo.. I feel totally behind this week and it's just not right.

I think I am definitely staying up late today.. and not just because I'll be on the phone talking to a boy or anything. I will be up late because I am determined to get things finished tonight.

No night but tonight and I really need to stay focused.

Lord, please grant me focus today when I get home so that I can study straight and not have to stay up too late. Please? Thank you!

Prayers people.. prayers!

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

Hang in there. It will end. You will reach your goal. Any worthwhile goal requires hard work and some suffering.