Sunday, October 26, 2008

And we meet in the sky..

Six months is enough for a person to know how you kinda feel about them.. right?

I mean.. regardless of how much you see a person.. right?

And it's not like we hardly see each other and also hardly ever talk or anything.. cuz we talk everyday..

And I only said I didn't know.. cuz.. maybe I did know.. but until he said he didn't.. then.. it make me realize that maybe I don't know either.. and why should I feel like I know.. if he doesn't.. how would that really make me feel?

But six months is a long time to not really know..

And waiting another six months is waiting a whole year for someone to figure out what they want and how they feel.. and do I really want to subject myself to that?

Ugh.. why did this all just take a turn for the scary??!

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

Betty and I have been married for over forty years and love has remained constant but feelings have fluctuated greatly.