Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Our thoughtful spot..

It's October.. time to start financially preparing for christmas and kiddie's birthdays.. because they all seem to come around at once.. craziness..

This year has definitely been a blur.. but a fun blur.. opening another chapter in my life.. and closing so much and leaving that behind..

Well.. I guess I better get back to reading my chapters for class..

I'm starting to believe that this "business thing" is not for me.. but it's kinda too late to turn back now.. I've got at least 4 classes under my belt.. and that means I have about seven more.. so why quit now.. it'll be a financial burden.. but I know I can handle it.. when the time comes.. I just hope that this does work out for the best in the end.. cuz right now.. I'm thinking that I'd rather be a lab rat.. than a business person..

OH well..

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

The two things may yet work together.