Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I am finding myself less and less happy with my workplace situation.

Let me preface this by saying.. I LOVE MY JOB. I love the work I do. I am in the bacteriology department of a veterinary diagnostics lab. I love the work. It's exactly everything I enjoyed when I was in school and what I had always dreamed myself doing after I graduated.

My supervisor believes in my work. The lab director believes in my work.

It's the rest of the people in my department.. my peers.. that seem to leave me feeling rather unappreciated and unimportant.

The constantly find ways to try to make me look bad in front of my supervisor.. telling her things that I am not the only one guilty of doing.. exaggerating things that I seem to be doing..

Luckily.. my supervisor has been able to see through all this and has seemed to take my side for a lot of these occurances. It got so bad at one point I actually started crying in front of my supervisor.

I am constantly left out of things.. and they all seem to treat me as if I am a level below them.. even the lab assistant.. which I am ranked higher than.. treats me as if I am below her..

I love where I work.. but the situation with these people make me really consider looking for another job.

I've talked to my supervisor about this and nothing seems to change.. what should I do?


Jsn said...

Remember that losers always outnumber winners. I've been down similar roads myself (mostly because I refuse to play office politics), but my advice is to not let your co-workers know that you are bothered by their actions. Continue doing your job the best you can, ignore everyone else and don't get defensive if they try to put blame on you. Be assertive and make sure your actions are based on truth and facts (i.e. don't get into a pissing match or stoop to their level). If your boss refuses to do anything about it, you've really only got 2 choices: go to HR and make it an issue, or look for another job. Stupidity is everywhere (it's often rewarded, go figure) so don't wait for it to go away on it's own. It's up to you to make something happen. Good luck! :)

Dr.John said...

Your young. You have talent. If the job is not working for you then start looking for another one. But find the other one before you quit.

Halliwood said...

Just keep working hard, the more you're focused on your work the less you'll notice others trying to bring everyone down. And as a Manager of a team myself, I can tell you we see through all those that just try to pass blame around. And even though you might not see action taken place after talking with your boss you have set it in motion from there it's just a waiting game. Keep your head up and never lower yourself to their level.