Wednesday, October 06, 2004


So I thought that it was just for saturday night.. well.. it hasn't died down yet... in fact its getting good.. i can't really say it's growing.. but it is turning into something.. i don't know what it's turning into.. but i'm having fun.. i like his company.. i like how he makes me feel.. i still feel really secure around him.. the same way i felt at Knotts...

Lemme tell you though.. on Monday.. it was sooo wierd.. like i didn't know how to act at first.. I stopped by there before going home and I totally got nervous as i walked through the hall way into the thingy... i didn't know what i was supposed to do... it was wierd.. so i kinda played it off like nothing happened.. but he did too.. so it was wierd..

So then I took Amber home with me so that I had a reason to come back to the theater quicker... and she said that when I left Joe tells him 'she's acting like nothing happened' and that made me feel bad... but i told her that it was weird cuz we didn't talk all sunday so i didn't know what to do..

So then.. we get back to the theater after discussions about what exactly is up between the two of us.. she says we look so cute togheter.. i don't know.. it's funny...

We get back and then I ask what I can do to help and he says he's going to get the costumes and asks if I wanted to go with him.. now granted, he did call me earlier that day, while I was at work, to ask me if i wanted to go with him to get the costumes.. so i agree and we go..

It was a very awkward car ride in the beginning.. we kinda didn't know what to do with each other.. i didn't know if he wanted to continue what we started and i dont' think he knew if i wanted to continue what we started.. we were kinda testing out the waters.. we weren't quite sure... but we were still flirting.. cuz that's what Amber told me to do.. lol... by the end of the first stop, we were pretty good... not at the same spot we were in on Saturday, but i think we both figured we wanted to keep it going.. by the time we got to our second stop, we were good to go..

Needless to say, we were late to rehearsal.. but we had continued what we had started on Saturday and its been this way ever since.. so does that mean we are together, dating, MU?? What? What? We just never have discussed what's going on.. we've just been what we are.. and i hate guessing games.. i want definition.. we don't even have to be 'exclusive' or anything, just yet.. just as long as i know what our status is.. then i'll be fine... i hate vagueness...

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