Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Maybe now.. i can put in the entry...

Ya.. i can finally access this stupid blogger site.. and i have only three minutes to blog about something significant and important and worth the read..

Sadly.. there really isn't anything quite worth reading.. nor worth writing right now..

I am inspired to write a short story.. but i don't know what about.. i want to write a story about something.. but i have no idea what that something is.. at least Justyn has ideas in his head for a novel.. which could actually turn out quite good.. so.. ya.. he shouldn't let that one go..

Anyway.. i want to write.. but my mind is so blank on what to write about.. that i will just stay here.. with this "want' and wait for the inspiration of a plot to come to me..

I mean.. i'm only going to start with short stories because i dont' think my imagination is capable of writin long novels yet..

Maybe I'll write a trashy romance short story.. about purple-headed lawyers and quivering mounds of love pudding.. hahahaha... justyn'll read it.. for sure!

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