Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Nobody needs to know...

I've got "the last 5 years" stuck in my head.. but i'm determined not to listen to it.. i should bring my mandy moore cd with me today.. ya.. i'm going to do that.. and ilsten to that.. the one that she sings all those covers of all those old songs.. i got it off of amazon.com..

Anyway.. that's it.. that's the big news.. that's the blogworthy information i have on this lovely tuesday morning.. with four mintues left to blog.. sheesh.. how pathetic am i..

And this is why i usually abandon some of my blog sites.. because there is nothing good to blog about..

I've completely abandoned my friendster blog.. only because i would be giving out notices every time i put something there.. and so.. i decided not to inundate peoples inboxes with alerts of my entries.. when they really didn't amount to anything but complaining about the samething.. over and over and over again..

That is just rude..

Two minutes!

Anyway.. i need to finish the constant gardener movie.. just cuz.. i was actually getting into it.. kinda..

I still don't understand the whole concept.. but i'm sure once i watch the enire movie.. twice.. i'll get it.. it's an independent.. i think.. cuz it's got that independent movie feel.. with the "artistic" camera angles.. that don't quite make sense.. but do.. when you're watching an independent movie..

I don't know.. but it's an ok movie.. i just wanna see where it goes..

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