Friday, January 04, 2008

The world spins around.. like nobody cares..

If there is one thing that I have learned all the years of my life, it's that the world is always going to turn. LIfe is always going to keep going. No matter what is going on in your life, time is ALWAYS going to move forward.

The things you say, the decisions you make, are always going to be there... in the past. There is no way to take them back, the damage has been done. It's up to the reciprocating person to forgive you or move on from it. It's up to the other person on the other end to decide if the damage is repairable.

This is based on experience.. my experience..

I'm sure everyone sort of understands where I am coming from.

The world is going to keep going. The world doesn't care what you are going through. It's insensitive, but it's true. No one in the world really cares what you are going through. The mini-crisis you swear is going to ruin your life really means nothing in the grand scheme of things.

However, I have learned that the one person that truly does care (asides from family and friends) is God.

God cares about what we are all going through.. whether big or small. I know this because I can just find comfort in being able to pray about the things I go through.. even if He doesn't provide resolution immediately.

Granted.. I don't ALWAYS feel comfort and consolation.. but I know that even if I don't.. that God is there to protect me and to make things better.. that is faith..

I'm kind of rambling.. but it's just that it's hard to get the words out when describing something that's truly bigger than yourself. There are so many things that you want to say but you don't quite know how to organize it all to make sense.

Eventually I'll get the words out right and I will be able to leave a spectacular blog about faith and the world.. and how it all ties together..

For now.. we'll leave it at that.. rambles..

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

I think you did a pretty good job here.