Wednesday, January 30, 2008

When my time comes..

When my time comes.. will I have a family and my children around to take care of me?

Will I have that?

I really want that. I tell God everyday that I want that.

Although I've come to accept that I may never get that.. no matter how much I ask for that.

Will I be alone like this forever? No husband.. no family. All I want is a family of my own. Why was I not blessed with one? What did I do to not deserve one?

I'm afraid I will die alone. Completely opposite of how my grandfather passed. I'm afraid that I won't have the loving family surrounding me in my final days.. I'm afraid that I will die alone.

I'm afraid that I will never find that special someone that will allow me to have that "happily ever after" that I've always dreamed of.

There are times where I've accepted it.. but it's moments like these.. after watching all the love and support surrounding my gramap during his final days.. that make me feel the loneliest in life.

I hope he's watching over me right now.. and helping God find that special someone that will finally make my life feel complete..


Dr.John said...

Don't give up. The right person may still be coming.

bettygram said...

I felt as you do until I met Dr John. My daughter is feeling like you at this time. The right person would be wonderful but the wrong person would lead a more lonely life.