Saturday, April 08, 2006

Top of the line.. and totally mine...

I'm home.. on a Saturday.. woop-de-doo..

Anyway.. I'm stuffed and I don't plan on eating any dinner tonight.. I don't want to gain weight.. I need to find an alteration service to hem up my dress.. and there are a million things I need to get done.. so today.. after I do this.. I will get my first load of laundry donee.. and then I will start doing my taxes.. I need to get those out of the way.. the 15th is coming up faster than i anticipated..

I always say that I'm going to get them done as soon as I get my W-2 forms in.. so that I can get my money faster.. blah blah blha..

And I never do..

I'm such a terrible procrastinator.. it's sad.. really..

Oh well.. I think I've complained enough about my life on my other blogs.. taht i have no desire to do such a thing here today.. I dont want to feel like I'm neglecting this blog.. because I'm not.. I like haveing all these blogs at the tip of my finger.. but I've also been spending a lot of my time trying to increase traffic to the two other blogs that i have on blog trafficking sites.. one of them earns money.. so i always look forward to getting that site more hits..

I'm up to $2.00 there.. yay!

Ok.. well.. enough bored rambling..

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