Tuesday, September 19, 2006

You make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside..

I love everyone's comments on my blogs here.. I love all the support and words of encouragement I get from everyone here..

I know that turning 26 isn't a big deal.. and maybe I am over-acting about it.. it's just that.. I don't feel like i'm older.. why does the number have to get bigger.. you know what i mean??

Anyway.. thank you.. thank you.. thank you.. to everyone from the Dr. John's brigade for all the lovely comments i get here almost everyday.. I really do appreciate them.. and i'm glad to see that people are reading my blog.. yay for readers!

So.. today is international talk like a pirate day.. September 19th.. and the day is almost done.. i spent a vast majority at work.. then at my voice lesson.. so i only have a couple of hours to enjoy the pirate jargon.. unfortunately... there is no one around to talk "pirate" to..

Avast ye scurvy lads and lasses.. the days be almost over.. let's pilage the mall and collect some booty... arrrrrrrgh!


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