Friday, February 08, 2008

Behold.. the wood of the cross..

Today is Friday. The first Friday of Lent.

The choir is being asked to sing for the Stations of the Cross readings today. I will be there.

My Lent goal is to be able to attend every Stations of the Cross reading that is done every Friday of Lent.

It's good.

Through each station, there is a reading and a meditation and a moment to pray over that particular moment. You reflect on the sacrifice He made for us and how much He really did love us to go through all He went through.

It's a really nice thing to do and doesn't really take that long. It's fourteen stations from the trial to the death and the burial. There are meditations for each station and you really get a sense of what was going on and how thankful we are to Him for the sacrifice He made.

Everyone should go to a Stations of the Cross.

I will be taking mine one week at a time so that I don't feel so overwhelmed about thinking about going for all of Lent. I hope to make my goal of going every week, but I don't want to make promises because I don't want to feel completely awful if I can't do it.

Since I'll be going to choir rehearsal at that same church, then there shouldn't be a problem about going before the rehearsal. And since the Starbucks is so close by the church, then it shouldn't be a problem to run down there afterwards for my obligatory cup o' coffee during rehearsal.. hee hee..

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

I admire your devotion. The more one meditates on what Jesus has done for us the closer we come to Him.