Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I'm hungry..

I need to go to lunch. I'm hungry.

The week seems to be going pretty slow for me so far.

Tomorrow I have my "pre-walk to class" with my admissions counselor and then I have to do my autobiography for tuesday.

Can you believe I have homework due on the first day of school?!?!

I find that funny. I'm not going to complain.

I can't complain about homework or classwork. It was my decision to go back to school so I really SHOULDN'T complain. I know that I will find myself complaining at some point. I know that I will ask myself why I put myself through this at some point.

But I know I really shouldn't because it was MY decision.. no one else's but my own.

Tick, tock! I can't wait!

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

I asked the why question of myself many times when I worked on my Doctor's degree. But again it was my idea just as this is yours.