Thursday, January 13, 2005

Boredom.. extreme boredom...

Why am i still here? Why do i insist on staying.. i should be working for a much bigger company.. for much more money!! Good gawd.. life sucks.. plus.. i'm surrounded by people that i cannot stand. I'm forever stressing about this stupid job.. forever... I can go home soon!! Yay.. that's always a good thing!

An hour left.. an hour left before i begin that journey to a far off place.. not really.. i actually have to go back to cal poly tonight and do my LiveScan thingy to get my fingerprinted so that i am deemed safe to be inside classrooms...

Those are always kinda scary. I pesonally don't think i have anything incriminating such as a criminal record. But what if someone were to steal my identity without my knowlege and then ran havoc among a city.. then i'd be soo screwed cuz that was sooo not me! And my name would be tainted and all hell will break lose and i would die a horrible lousy death and stuff... and that wouldn't be fun at all...

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