Friday, January 21, 2005

Oh Good Gawd... i'm gonna scream!

So.. this cold... it's really starting to get on my nerves. I am sooo sick of being stuffy. I'm soooo annoyed!

I'm watching the FRIENDS episode when Chandler proposes to Monica... awww... i wish i had a ring. I guess taht's just the girlie girl in me to want an engagement ring. He just gave her the ring! He just gave her the ring! I'm all teary eyed. I hope i get just as teary-eyed when i get my ring. IF i get my right. Good gawd. Oh well. Whatever happens... i guess...

It's sucks that we've been so busy lately. But we knew that this was coming! We knew that we were gonna be super duper busy. We knew that we weren't gonna have a lot of time to spend with each other. It just sucks cuz i like spending time with him. My mom says i should make the most of the fact that we hardly see each other cuz then we won't smother each other. Especially because when we get married.. we'll be spending the majority of the day with each other.. and no one else. So we should just enjoy having separate lives for a while. But i miss him! I miss him a lot.

Gosh.. i'm such a damn sap!

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