Thursday, September 08, 2005

I broke a nail yesterday!

I broke a nail yesterday. I was doing stuff at work.. I guess that's when it happened. I noticed it on the drive home. I was looking at my hand.. as opposed to the road.. and saw my nail was broken. I was not a happy camper. Finally all my nails were at a relatively good length and still filed down really nice from my previous manicure.. now i have to cut it and then trim the rest of my nails down to relatively match.. and there goes the really nice filing job..

Ya.. i'm complaining about a broken nail.. so what?

I'd rather concentrate on my broken nail than on what's been going on in my life lately..

A broken nail my be trivial.. but it's a nice detour from dwelling over the more serious problems in life..

But I guess with shorter nails.. I can type much easier.. and i can thumb wrestle (and win!) Justyn without him complaining that my nails are digging into his palm..

I think I just made lemonade!

If only everything were that easy...

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