Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Going outta my head..

I'm tired..

I need a vacation. I'm in desperate need of a vacation.

I had rehearsal today, but ditched. I am so bad. I really don't like this show. So, you can see a full lack of committment to it. Everyone knows that I am always at every rehearsal when it comes to theater. I rarely miss a rehearsal. I usually only miss a rehearsal if it's something unavoidable..

I just didn't feel like going after my CCD class.. so.. I didn't..

That makes me so bad.. such a flake.. DEFINTIELY NOT GOOD.

I don't know.. its' just a wrong kind of atmosphere. It's community theater, I'm not being paid for it.. in fact.. I paid a lot of money to be in it.. I should at least enjoy it.. right?

Well.. I"m not.. for the first time in a long time.. i'm miserable doing this show..

What can I do though.. I made a committement.. and i don't want to look too bad in front of these directors.. that I actually enjoy working with.. it's just.. the show.. it's not right for me.. it's not something I really ssee myself getting into..

I shoudn't have auditioned in the first place..

Sigh.. if I only knew then what I know now.. tsk.. tsk.. tsk..

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

Well . Consider this a learning esperience. That's what I used to tell my debaters when they were down because we lost.