Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Shaken.. and stirred..

I have to admit that the events of the past weekend, tho' had a happy ending.. have left me a tad bit shaken..

I guess when relationships take one of those bad turns.. and make you reevaluate everything you thought you knew about it.. you can't help but feel a little shaken about it..

I mean.. in the next few days.. what if he changes his mind..

That's the main concern.

But I just keep thinking that if we decided what we decided.. then.. that's it.. right? I mean.. I'm not going to change my mind.. and we both have a lot of things on our plate right now that we don't have time to change our minds.. right?

It's just that minor "re-building" period that I seem to hate so much.. the minor insecurity.. trying to keep your mind open to whatever will happen from now on..

Finally realizing that the relationship you are in is not invincible.. that the relationship you are in is vulnerable to everything that everyone else's relationships are vulnerable to.. that the relationship you are in is not the exception to the rule..

One day.. one month.. at a time.. no more.. no less.. or else it may seem highly overwhelming..

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

Sometimes I think you think too much.