Thursday, November 20, 2008

She's coming back on Friday..

Wait.. today's only Thursday..

It's been a busy Church week for me. Yesterday was the Bible Study. Today is a meeting for potential Eucharistic ministers. I am one, it's just that I want to start serving at Sacred Heart eventually. And then tomorrow is choir rehearsal.

I should have set up camp and spent the night at the Church this week.

Not only all that.. plus juggling this week's school work.

I guess it's a blessing that he isn't coming over this week.. or in the subsequent weeks.. let's me catch up on school..

But that isn't to say that I was going to sacrifice and work extra hard during the week in order to make some time on the weekends for him..

But well.. what can I do..

Anyway.. my workday is almost done.. so I can rejoice in surviving another day at work with my sanity.. hee hee..

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

When you are in love separation is hard but at least you have lots of things to fill the time.