Saturday, August 21, 2004

Killing a battery

I'm trying to kill my battery.... it just went down to 30%... it's almost midnight and i want it to go all the way down to 0%... Hmmm... so i keep adding entries to my blogs...

I just bought a new computer. It's so garsh darn cute! It's an iBook... go me! My brother finally convinced me to go MAC.. so i did...

I'm sleepy... but it's still at 30%... i wanna go to the beach.. i wanna 'nother coffee.. i actually had an espresso double shot.. and the house somewhere on our block is having a party and their music is bumpin... and it's not like it's music i'm totally crazy about.. it's that mariachi music with the heavy bass.. bomp bomp bomp bomp... AHHH... it's killing me!

Woo hoo 29%...

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