Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Can this week go by any slower?

It's a countdown until the end of this year's CCD class. Today is the last day of me actually teaching them something from the book. Lo and behold I'm so proud that we actually got to finish the whole book. I think that last year, I was a chapter or two short from finishing. This year I was able to squeeze in every chapter in the book.. whoo hoo!

Next week is the official last day. It's party day! I will be passing out the completion certificates and these little foam art religious banners that I made for them.

I will have the whole summer to myself after this.. sigh.. that's going to be interesting.. I don't know what I'm going to do.. probably ACT and I don't know if I'll get to do ACT 2. I don't want to miss out on singing at the other church.

I will spend the summer working on my partylite business. I hope it picks up. I'm feeling very discouraged about it all lately. I hope that these next few months give me reason to feel like I did the right thing in taking this on.

Oh.. I hope.. I hope..

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

I hope you enjoy a good summer and get to ACT.