Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Oh geez..

This order is taking longer than i thought.. it's not that it's hard.. there is just a lot of components and things can get mixed up quite easily.. i just hope i'm not screwing anything up..

Anyway.. i still don't get why i ended up with that bible quote this morning.. i guess it's just one of those that i won't understand for awhile.. or it could be one that really doesn't have a lot of meaning to it at all.. we'll see what happens..

There really isn't much to write about.. i'm doing better with the whole blogging thing.. now that i'm focusing on stuff to write on instead of rambling about nothing.. it seems to be making me feel better. but i don't know.. we'll see how long it lasts..

I wanted to get a book of zen quotes and sayings.. but i figure quotes from the bible are a little more appropriate for me.. not that there is anything wrong with the zen thing.. especially since i do yoga.. it helps.. cuz i know that when one of my instructors reads stuff.. it makes me feel better.. but so would the bible..

And the priest said that it wasn't important that we read the bible cover to cover.. because being a Catholic isn't about how well you know the bible.. it's how you use the bible and learn to live with God inside of you.. using the bible as inspiration.. not as a rule book.. it finally makes sense to me.. that priest was awesome!

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