Friday, January 12, 2007


Why isn't blogger allowing me to post pictures anymore??

It's snowing. It's snowing here in my area. It's the type of snow that stays too, not the kind that melts the minute it hits something. It's actually accumulated on top of cars, roofs, and trees. It's not much. But it's enough to actually look at in amazement. This is one of God's miracles.

That is a very, very, very rare occurance. It's a very rare occurance for several reasons.

1. I live in Southern California.
2. But I don't live in the mountains.

The last time we had snow, I was very young. I believe I was still in elementary school. But it wasn't like this. It accumulated, but it looked very icy. This.. looks.. like.. snow!

I'm excited.

Part of me wishes I was in elementary school again so that I can run out there and try to make snowballs out of the snow, even though the "grownup" in me knows that there isn't enough. The child in me want's to run out there and collect as much of it as i can.. and watch it melt in my hands. But the grown up in me wants to take a picture of the beauty of it in my mind. The grown up in me wants to cherish the untouched affect it has on cars, roofs, and other things resting outside. The grown up in me wants to admire the peacefulness and the grace of God.

The child in me wants to run out there in my jammies, screaming and laughing out of excitement.

But the grown up in me is too scared to get sick.

I miss the child I used to be..

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

We all miss the child we used to be.