Thursday, October 19, 2006

Dudes.. I'm on my way...

"So long.. farewell.. auf wiedersen.. good bye..
I hate to go.. and leave this pretty sight.. "

Well.. after work today.. I'm going on a Catholic retreat called a "Cursillio"..

It's pretty much a mini-course on faith and how to strengthen your faith..

It's a whole weekend long.. and we are completely detached from the world.. and that detachement scares me! It really does.. I mean.. I'm not used to being away from any form of communication at all..

When I go on vacation.. I know what it's like to leave my lap top behind.. but not my cell phone.. I always have my cell phone.. i can barely function when I forget my cell phone at home..

Now.. I'll be with no cell phone.. or no computer.. this is utter madness..

I'm a little apprehensive about that.. also about leaving Justyn.. I know.. it's sappy.. but this is the longest we'll go without any communciation.. ever since we've gotten together.. that's two years ago!

This is one big learning experience.. inside and outside of religion..

So.. keep me in your prayers.. and wish me luck.. I know I'll survive this weekend.. and hopefully I'll have learned a lot..

Hasta la vista!

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

We will pray for you. Twice a year the local Catholic retreat center runs a protestant cursillio. It was great thing for their spiritual life.