Thursday, November 23, 2006

Ok.. so i'm in beta..

I just switched from old blogger to beta blogger.. I don't know if the switch is a good or a bad thing yet.. but I guess we'll see eventually..

It's Thanksgiving Day.. I'm sure everyone has eaten their yummy thanksgiving dinners.. I haven't yet.. I'm waiting for my dad to get home so we can go to my aunts house and have our thanksgivng dinner then..

I guess it's better than what we used to do.. going down to the hometown buffet and eating dinner there..

But.. I stil don't see what's so wrong about that old tradition.. i mean.. it's all you can eat.. and no plates to clean up.. and we have a good time regardless..

So.. ya..

Anyway.. enjoy the turkey.. turducken.. or tofurkey.. what ever you're preference maybe .. and i'll see next time in the blogger world!

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