Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Oh dear..

Oh dear sweet Aladdin.. not to mention.. strikingly handsome Aladdin.. ahem.. anyway..

Oh dear sweet Aladdin.. if only you could come and take me away on your magic carpet. Take me to a place where only happiness prevails. Show me the world that is shining, shimmering, splendid. Open my eyes, and take me wonder by wonder, over sideways and under on this magic carpet ride.


Ok.. so.. ya.. that was the Aladdin we had seen when Justyn and I went to Disneyland. Sigh. He was so cute!

We even took pictures with him!

Ya.. he really was cute. Jasmine was pretty too, but I dont' know.. everyone that sees this picture always comments on her abs. I don't know. I don't want to say anything bad. It's bad enough to have to bear your stomach for all of Disneyland to see. But then, everyone is constantly critiquing your toneness. I do agree that maybe she should work out, but you dont' know her story. Maybe she's had a child and is still working on getting the pregnancy flab out. Maybe she is working on it. No one knows..


Next goal is a picture with Ariel..

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

Don't we all wish for a magic lamp or carpet. But Disney is as close as we will ever get.