Tuesday, November 07, 2006

We are all earthlings..

Remember Sesame Street?

Ya. I loved that show. To be honest, I watched that show for the longest time. I watched it beyond my true Sesame Street watching years. I think I watched it into my tween years. Then, I picked it up again when my cousin started having chidlren and we were always at their house.


There is a nasty gigantic moth in my room. It used to be on the ceiling two nights ago. So I shut the lights off and I opened the door hoping it would follow the light the rest of the house and someone else would get rid of it.

I'm deathly afraid of bugs. I am currently paralyzed in fear right now. In constant contact with that nasty bugger, I dont want it to make a move without my knowing.

Anyway. I got tired of trying to sleep with the door open, so I shut the door. The moth hadn't moved and I was too tired to really care at that point.

Stupid moth apparently sought the strong moon light that is eminating from my window, which is right above my head!

It's been there since yesterday, now, it's on my sill, under the blinds.

I need Justyn here to kill it because I sure has heck wont.

And if I ask my mom, dad, or brother, their usual response is to yell at me and call my a wuss. They dont' understand how much of a problem I have with these things.

I can dissect a cat, a fish, a rat and other animal parts, but do not get me near a bug!

I remember in my vertebrate zoology class, I would be so engrossed in the dissections and what not, I didn't care. But the day that we studied entomology and there were dead bugs in glass cases, I had to make sure I sat away from one.

So, what's the Sesame Street tie-in?!

They used to sing this song "We Are All Earthlings"

And it's true. From me, to the ickest of buggers. We are all Earthlings. God's creatures.


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