Friday, November 17, 2006

Wah.. wah.. wah..

Under the weather.

Why is it called "under the weather"?

Aren't we all under the weather?

Am I being annoyingly over-analytical?!

I'm sick.. leave me alone! Haha.. just kidding..

I'm kidding about the "leave me alone" part.. not the "i'm sick" part.

I dont know if I have a fever. I'm warm to the touch, and I have chills. But that could be because it's freezing in the lab and for lunch I had a nice warm cup of starbucks coffee.

All I know is I'm tired, and I feel very congested. But I can breathe through my nose, meaning I'm not as congested as I feel. It's mainly my sinuses that feel all stuffed up.

Wah.. wah.. wah.. complain.. complain.. complain..

It's Friday. I should be happy. But I don't get to sleep in tomorrow. Church meetings really kill the art of "sleeping in" on a Satruday morning. Sigh..

Complain.. complain.. whine.. whine.. wah.. wah..

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

Life is always better after we do a little complaining. I hate having a cold.